
Artists and people faced with solving a problem with a start up business don’t often know they are Entrepreneurs. The dictionary defines Entrepreneurship as: A noun: The activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. Example: “the new business opportunities have encouraged entrepreneurship on a grand scale”

Artists and micro business are a popular  match for entrepreneurship. The following trends promote the successful match. Steven King says there are four kinds of start-up businesses.

“1. Consumer interest in unique, one-of-a-kind or handcrafted products is growing, broadening the market for works of art.

  1. The Internet is creating new and effective methods for tech savvy artists to find an audience – and for art buyers to easily find art that interests them.
  2. Technology is reducing the costs of producing many types of art, allowing artists to price at levels that attract new buyers and expand the art market. 4.Technology also gives artist entrepreneurs the ability to create and manage small businesses with multiple revenue streams. This greatly increases the likelihood they will generate enough revenue to succeed.”


Dr. Elliot McGucken’s teaches a course in artist entrepreneurship. Artists learn they should develop skills to profit from their creations.

Steve Blank describes 4 different types of entrepreneurs:

  • Small Business Entrepreneurship: Micro businesses that grow into small businesses and hire employees and family members. These are the most frequent types of business start-ups. Artists do not want to change the world so much as they want to support their families while still having time to develop their passions.
  • Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship: Want to change the world. Most technology innovators begin a small business that often links with others to promote a product that is new and provides an opportunity to change the way the world operates. Investors seek this type of start-up
  • Large Company Entrepreneurship: Large corporations often sprout new products needing their own business start-up. Sometimes they buy companies that support their main products.
  • Social Entrepreneurship:Innovators who want to improve the world and its relationships produce small businesses that create products and services to solve problems. The founders do not seek wealth but to bring subsistence to populations needing help.

Artistic Perspectives teaches artisans the small business skills needed to stabilize their lives. The business community also provides opportunities and platforms to market artisan products. Social support and mentoring communicates skills not learned in a classroom. Artists can also gather for conferences where they enjoy meeting and greeting others succeeding in the artistic world.

Join the artistic community where artists not only hope to succeed but do: Artistic Perspectives

Learn to organize your business, develop practical business skills, manage a microbusiness, keep records, deal with galleries, and sell online.