What Happened?
By Deana Molinari PhD
The blog’s purpose is to help new entrepreneurs open an online business. There are various ways to learn. So far, the blog has focused on explaining the principles of various topics. Another type of learning is the sharing of personal experience. Group learning and social media conversations are examples of story telling. One person advises and the others comment about the experience. To start the new year of 2018, Artistic Perspectives invites you to communicate your story of what happened to you as you created your business.
Here is a chance to mention your business’s name (or not-you choose) while describing your thinking and action processes. What did you ponder during the creation process? What hurdles did you face? How did you solve issues? What resources did you use? You contribute to meeting other’s needs and addressing their issues, by sharing your story.
In January, Artistic Perspectives will open classes with the following topics:
- Giving Business a Try:
- How to create a business
- How to fund a business
- Finding an investor
- What is venture capital
- Creating Rules and Regulations
- The Customer Pledge
- Keeping Customers First
- Protecting Employees
- Online Policies:
- Privacy
- User Agreement/Terms and Conditions
- Shipping Policy
- Return Policy
- Safety for youth
- Forum
- Social Media
- Import/Export
- Unwritten rules:
- Notify customers immediately
- Apologize for mistakes
- Correct the problem
- Offer a partial or full refund, free gift or discount on future purchase
- Opening Doors
- First things First: Obeying the law
- To Incorporate or Not
- Protect Yourself
- Insurance, Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, Local registrations, Export/Import Government regulations, Tax ID, city, region, state tax permissions and Business licenses, resale certificate, sales tax, Bank account, Employee laws, Zoning
- Safety Materials and Practices
- Trade associations
- Digital Working space
- Equipment, time, space, working safety regulations,
Choose one of the above topics to structure your story. Entrepreneurs are waiting for someone who understands. You do. Share how you obtained your wisdom. How great a teacher is trial and error? Did you laugh or cry your way through the school of hard knocks? What do you wish you had understood before you….?
Send your story to info@molinariart.com. Reviewers will read and communicate the content through the blog. Anything that does not meet professional business standards will not be posted.